Jeet Kune Do
Four Hooks:
There are four basic hooks in Jeet Kune Do. These hooks are the bases of which Jeet Kune Do is based on. If you master these hooks, you'll be able to quickly defeat your opponent.
Corkscrew Hook
The Corkscrew is primarily used to slip over the top of the opponents guard if he is standing with an opposite lead to yours. It can also be used to counter a lead, again sliding over the top and angling downward.
The Mechanics:
To begin with, as with most punches the hand moves first. It should be launched straight like a straight lead, then half way to the target, the elbow is raised, pointing the knuckles downward into the target. The fist is held palm up, rather than
horizontal, like the straight lead. It should be at a 45 degree angle from floor to ceiling.
Following the hand you should step into the punch. Although, rather than straight forward, a slight pivot to the right is made. This will line the body up behind the punch.
At impact, the rear left foot should still be in the air. It settles on the ground during the follow through.
Loose Hook
The Loose Hook is an extremely powerful punch when landed correctly. For many, it proves to be difficult to perfect but it is a weapon that is well worth the time invested. A Loose Hook is a close range punch. It is best executed inside, when a straight punch lacks effectiveness. It is effective as follow up in a combination of attacks. It is generally not a leading attack. The targets for this strike are numerous. It can be employed to strike the head, ribs or even the groin.
The Mechanics:
To practice the punch individually, the target is approached in a stance that is a little more square than usual. Squaring off enables the use of both hands freely. Also, with the feet closer together it becomes easier to
bob, weave, slip etc. The body is relaxed to facilitate the whipping motion that will generate the power in this hook. The rear hand remains near the chin to protect the head, while the lead is held a bit lower, ready to strike.
Initiating the punch, the hips open slightly and turn towards the point of impact.
The lead hand whips outward, thrown by the the momentum of the hips. The elbow turns upwards, lining up behind the fist. The arm is raised almost to a 90° angle from the body. (this angle may vary according to the height of the punch).
The leading foot follows the same direction. The rear heel is lowered as it turns to open the hips.
Upon impact, the front foot lands with the heel raised. The rear turns to complete the power line. This "power line" is crucial in the generation of power.
Using the hips, the the punch follows through the target, ending three to five inches behind it.
Shovel Hook
The Shovel Hook is a punch that can be either thrown from a long or a short range. It is a punch that hits at an angle that is usually unexpected by an opponent. It slips in easily underneath their elbow. Allowing a nice shot to the ribs. Inside, it can generate a tremendous amount of power. From the outside, it is a sneaky punch that can fit into small holes in his defense.
The Mechanics:
Long Range
If thrown from a long distance, the hand moves first. The fist is held palm up, rather than horizontal, like the straight lead. It should be at a 45 degree angle from floor to ceiling.
The elbow is kept down close to the ribs. As the punch is launched, the lead foot may angle off to the right (if you're in a right lead). Or, it may move straight forward like a straight lead.
The rear leg pushes off forward, into the target. When the punch lands, the entire body lines up, again creating the power line.
With the angle of the fist, the position of the elbow and twist of the hips line up the body for ultimate power.
Short Range
The most significant difference here is that the hand no longer moves first. As with almost all close range punches, the hips initiate the motion.
The fist is held in the same position as above and the elbow stays in as well. Pivoting on the ball of the lead leg, the rear swings around to line up with the target.
It is one of the shortest most explosive blows. It is very compact giving a great amount of power as well as providing good protection against a counter attack.
Tight Hook
The Tight Hook may lack the wallop of the loose hook but its versatility more than makes up for it. It may be thrown anywhere from a medium to long distance. It is possible to use it in combination, as a counter attack, as well as using it to lead. Essentially it is not a hook in the conventional sense. It is a straight punch, although it lands on the side of the target just as a hook does.
The Mechanics:
The first thing that moves is the lead hand, initiating the punch. It moves straight, similar to a straight lead.
The lead foot lifts and steps slightly towards the right. (left if the left hand is in the lead)
The rear leg pushes off forward, into the target. Simultianiously, pivoting the body to the right.
The pivot continues with the hips turning into the punch. Landing first is the hand, the front foot, and then the rear, to line up at a 30-45 degree angle from the opponent.
To complete the power line, the entire body should be in a straight line, behind the fist.